About our campaign

The River Thames has suffered years of neglect at the hands of the Environment Agency (EA).

It's time for urgent action from the Environment Agency (EA), government, local councils, and boroughs spanning the Thames, to address their indifference and oversight concerning the river's deteriorating condition.

Overgrown banks, accumulating silt islands, disrepair of weirs and locks, and the allowance of construction on pristine floodplains are glaring issues that can no longer be ignored. We are calling for a unified voice among Thames residents and businesses, empowering them to influence the critical improvements needed for our river. Together, we can restore the Thames to its rightful state.

What are we hoping to achieve

For too long, the Thames has been neglected, leaving boaters, marina operators, business owners, and homeowners frustrated and powerless.

The river's management is complicated by its division across numerous boroughs and councils, with funding from the government, making effective advocacy difficult.

Those in charge at the Environment Agency (EA) often lack direct experience with the Thames, coming predominantly from business or finance backgrounds, further disconnecting decisions from the river's realities.

We need to solve the issues

The Thames faces numerous issues:

  • Uncleared weir streams full of boats, debris, and rubbish; locks that are inadequately repaired and are constantly failing.
  • Overgrown vegetation narrowing the waterway; neglected silt banks requiring urgent dredging.
  • Floodplains that are not given the attention they need.

Moreover, the EA's over-cautious risk policy and processes, under funding by the government, mismanaged public moorings, unchecked river licences, boat safety, and insurance issues, as well as the lack of transparency regarding the Jubilee River's effects on lower Thames communities, all contribute to the problem. Additionally, Thames Water's poor management of sewage discharge into the river demands urgent attention.

Our goal is clear: to address these longstanding issues head-on, ensuring the Thames is managed responsibly, preserving its health and beauty for all who rely on it.

Let's unite to create a single voice

Unite Thames residents and businesses with a single, powerful voice.

Demand attention from policymakers for urgent action.

Address the chronic neglect of Thames maintenance comprehensively.

Re-establish a dedicated, knowledgeable in-house team for weirs and locks upkeep, moving away from overpriced contractors.

Reignite the passion for recreational use of the Thames.

Commission an independent government engineering review on the Jubilee River's issues and the Thames' maintenance gaps before funding new schemes.

Restore the River Thames to its former glory, honouring its centuries-old role in national commerce and recreation. The Thames deserves care, not the neglect it has faced for the last 28 years by the Environment Agency.

  • Improve Thames management and funding

  • Clear and maintain waterways regularly

  • Ensure accountability in EA and Thames Water